ginned lint from the breeding program
ginned lint from the breeding program
Handpicked cotton from individual plants or even whole plots are ginned every year. That lint is sent for testing - its length, strength, micronaire and uniformity numbers give us a pretty important insight into how easily it will spin. The rest of the fiber, not used in the test remains for us to look at and savor...and sell to anyone wanting to handspin it. I am selling this lint by the oz by broad color family from the burnt sienna colors, greens and greens with red or brown- called multicolor- which vary wildly. The whites are all from the crosses between Sea Island, Egyptian and Pima cottons. Fiber qualities also vary. But they are interesting and each totally unique. Sold by the ounce, I often must combine a few plant’s worth of cotton to even get one ounce, so the variations are not repeatable. A last note: I personally have never been a fan of spinning lint from the individual plants, because my patience with hand carding the fiber and getting the bits of leaves out is next to nil. In fact, it was my entire motivation in the mid 1980’s for figuring out how to go about getting my cottons carded into sliver for hand spinners in the first place.